Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Analysis of the novel, A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Analysis of the novel, 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find' A Good Man Is Hard to Find, first published in 1953, is among the most famous stories by Georgia writer Flannery OConnor. OConnor was a staunch Catholic, and like most of her stories, A Good Man Is Hard to Find wrestles with questions of good and evil and the possibility of divine grace. Plot A grandmother is traveling with her family (her son Bailey, his wife, and their three children) from Atlanta to Florida for a vacation. The grandmother, who would prefer to go to East Tennessee, informs the family that a violent criminal known as The Misfit is loose in Florida, but they do not change their plans. The grandmother secretly brings her cat in the car. They stop for lunch at Red Sammys Famous Barbecue, and the grandmother and Red Sammy commiserate that the world is changing and a good man is hard to find. After lunch, the family begins driving again and the grandmother realizes they are near an old plantation she once visited. Wanting to see it again, she tells the children that the house has a secret panel and they clamor to go. Bailey reluctantly agrees. As they drive down a rough dirt road, the grandmother suddenly realizes that the house she is remembering is in Tennessee, not Georgia. Shocked and embarrassed by the realization, she accidentally kicks over her belongings, releasing the cat, which jumps onto Baileys head and causes an accident. A car slowly approaches them, and The Misfit and two young men get out. The grandmother recognizes him and says so. The two young men take Bailey and his son into the woods, and shots are heard. Then they take the mother, the daughter, and the baby into the woods. More shots are heard. Throughout, the grandmother pleads for her life, telling The Misfit she knows hes a good man and entreating him to pray. He engages her in a discussion about goodness, Jesus, and crime and punishment. She touches his shoulder, saying, Why youre one of my babies. Youre one of my own children! but The Misfit recoils and shoots her. Defining Goodness The grandmothers definition of what it means to be good is symbolized by her very proper and coordinated traveling outfit. OConnor writes: In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady. The grandmother is clearly concerned with appearances above all else. In this hypothetical accident, she worries not about her death or the deaths of her family members, but about strangers opinions of her. She also demonstrates no concern for the state of her soul at the time of her imagined death, but we think thats because shes operating under the assumption that her soul is already as pristine as her navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim. She continues to cling to superficial definitions of goodness as she pleads with The Misfit. She entreats him not to shoot a lady, as if not murdering someone is just a question of etiquette. And she reassures him that she can tell hes not a bit common, as if lineage is somehow correlated with morality. Even The Misfit himself knows enough to recognize that he aint a good man, even if he aint the worst in the world neither. After the accident, the grandmothers beliefs begin to fall apart just like her hat, still pinned to her head but the broken front brim standing up at a jaunty angle and the violet spray hanging off the side. In this scene, her superficial values are revealed as ridiculous and flimsy. OConnor tells us that as Bailey is led into the woods, the grandmother: reached up to adjust her hat brim as if she were going to the woods with him, but it came off in her hand. She stood staring at it, and after a second, she let it fall on the ground. The things she has thought were important are failing her, falling uselessly around her, and she now has to scramble to find something to replace them. A Moment of Grace? What she finds is the idea of prayer, but its almost as if shes forgotten (or never knew) how to pray. OConnor writes: Finally, she found herself saying, Jesus, Jesus, meaning, Jesus will help you, but the way she was saying it, it sounded as if she might be cursing. All her life, she has imagined that she is a good person, but like a curse, her definition of goodness crosses the line into evil because it is based on superficial, worldly values. The Misfit may openly reject Jesus, saying, Im doing all right by myself, but his frustration with his own lack of faith (It aint right I wasnt there) suggests that hes given Jesus a lot more thought than the grandmother has. When faced with death, the grandmother mostly lies, flatters, and begs. But at the very end, she reaches out to touch The Misfit and utters those rather cryptic lines, Why youre one of my babies. Youre one of my own children! Critics disagree on the meaning of those lines, but they could possibly indicate that the grandmother finally recognizes the connectedness among human beings. She may finally understand what The Misfit already knows- that there is no such thing as a good man, but that there is good in all of us and also evil in all of us, including in her. This may be the grandmothers moment of grace- her chance at divine redemption. OConnor tells us that her head cleared for an instant, suggesting that we should read this moment as the truest moment in the story. The Misfits reaction also suggests that the grandmother may have hit upon divine truth. As someone who openly rejects Jesus, he recoils from her words and her touch. Finally, even though her physical body is twisted and bloody, the grandmother dies with her face smiling up at the cloudless sky as if something good has happened or as if she has understood something important. A Gun to Her Head At the beginning of the story, The Misfit starts out as an abstraction for the grandmother. She doesnt really believe theyll encounter him; shes just using the newspaper accounts to try to get her way. She also doesnt really believe that theyll get into an accident or that shell die; she just wants to think of herself as the kind of person whom other people would instantly recognize as a lady, no matter what. It is only when the grandmother comes face to face with death that she begins to change her values. (OConnors larger point here, as it is in most of her stories, is that most people treat their inevitable deaths as an abstraction that will never really happen and, therefore,  dont give enough consideration to the afterlife.) Possibly the most famous line in all of OConnors work is The Misfits observation, She would have been a good woman [†¦] if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life. On the one hand, this is an indictment of the grandmother, who always thought of herself as a good person. But on the other hand, it serves as final confirmation that she was, for that one brief epiphany at the end, good.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Research Paper on Death Penalty

Research Paper on Death Penalty There are vast differences in the way people view the death penalty. Some oppose it and some agree with it. There have been many studies trying to prove or disprove a point regarding the death penalty. Some have regarded the death penalty as a deterrent, and some have regarded it as state sanctioned murder and not civilized. The death penalty has been attributed to societies for hundreds of years. More recently, as we become more civilized, the death penalty has been questioned to be the right step towards justice. During the course of this paper I will review the pros and cons of the use of the death penalty as we, Americans, know it. The death penalty is a highly controversial subject.No one knows who’s right or who’s wrong-it’s fifty percent speculation and fifty percent research. Its just a lot of thoughts and beliefs from people who have contributed to the death penalty hype. Who’s right and who’s wrong? That is the question. First I need to highlight briefly into to the history of the death penalty to fully understand why people feel the way they do about the death penalty. Almost all nations in the world have had the death sentence and had enforced it in many ways. It was used in most cases to punish those who broke the laws or standards that were expected of them. Some of the historical methods of execution were restricted only by one’s imagination-they include flaying or burying alive, boiling in oil, crushing beneath the wheels of vehicles or the feet of elephants, throwing to wild beasts, forcing combat in the arena, blowing from the mouth of a cannon, impaling, piercing with javelins, starving to death, poisoning, strangling, suffocating, drowning, shooting, beheading, and more recently, electrocuting, using the gas chamber, and giving lethal injection (Silverman 73). The ancient societies had some pretty brutal methods that were just plainly inhumane. Fortunately, most of the disgraceful pr actices were largely unknown in Anglo-American tradition. America inherited most of its capital punishment from the United Kingdom or English laws. But not so many generations ago, in both England and America, criminals were occasionally pressed to death, drawn and quartered, and burned at the stake (Isenberg 35). Had any of these punishments survived the eighteenth century, there is little doubted that public reaction would have forced an end to capital punishment long ago (Isenberg 35). Throughout England, the rotting corpses of executed criminals specked the country, which sent out a warning to all those who dare defy the law, or otherwise acted as a deterrent. Executions were always conducted in public and often became the scene of drunken gatherings to witness the execution. It reminds me of all these horrifying blood-ridden movies we watch today. People are drawn to such spectacles, because they are not getting killed. Furthermore, death is one of the great unknowns in all of mankind. Crimes of every description against the state, against the person, against property, against public peace were made punishable by death in early English laws (Isenberg 26). It is somewhat curious that any of these horrendous and inhumane methods of execution survived as long as they did, for the English Bill of Rights of 1689 proscribed â€Å"cruel and unusual punishments† (Isenberg 27). Which is still in use today in the American Constitution. Even with fairly relaxed law enforcement after 1800, between two thousand and three thousand persons were sentenced to death each year from 1805 to 1810 (Isenberg 26). Which is a very large amount even by today’s standards. Furthermore, several decisions, later on in history, handed down by the Supreme Court in the post-World War II years have had a significant affect on the effects of both proponents and opponents of capital punishment. They include Louisiana v. Resweber (1946)- cruelty dealing with humane ways of exec ution, next was the United States v. Jackson (1967)- the provisions that dealt with kidnapping, next was Witherspoon v. Illinois (1968)- determined excluding juries that had a bias towards death penalties being unconstitutional, and finally McGautha v. California (1971)- juries discretion upon the death penalty and the fourteenth amendment’s â€Å"equal protection clause† (Isenberg 23-24). All of these have impacted the nature of the death penalty, as we all know it today in the United States. These have all influenced the way people view the death penalty and help explain why some people oppose it and some impose it. The people who oppose the death penalty have very different reasons than people who agree with it. Those who oppose it feel that no matter how bad of an offense that the criminal has committed, they should not be executed. One argument is that the convicted could be innocent. Once the state kills an innocent person, the effects are irreversible. There have been at least 96 instances since 1973 of wrongfully convicted people set free before the states had a chance to kill them (Internet). If there are 96 cases, caught before they could be sentenced to death, then think about all of the cases that haven’t been caught. DNA evidence has come a long way to help these innocent people to their freedom. The following person is an example of one of those people wrongfully condemned by lack of evidence. â€Å"Nate Walker. In May 1976, Nate was sentenced to life in prison for a 1974 Elizabeth, N.J., kidnapping and rape. Ten years later Nate’s trial prosecutor agreed that Nate Wal ker was an innocent man. A twelve-year-old semen specimen was located and analyzed. It proved that Nate had a different blood type from the real rapist. Nate was officially cleared and freed by the county’s presiding judge. His release won national attention (Dicks 237).† This can only prove that if the state had executed him, or any other case that were similar, the effects would be irreversible. This is among one of the highest regards to the abolitionist movement towards the death penalty. Thousands have been put to death under one government and when another government came in, or new evidence came in, they were proven to be innocent (Dicks 226). The only way to prevent this from happening is to abolish the death penalty altogether. These wrongful convictions clearly occurred due to some ill proper investigating, prejudice, courtroom laziness, or politics. The discrimination that is inescapable in the selection of the few to be killed under our capital punishment la ws is unfortunately of the most irreversible and unacceptable nature (Isenberg 114). Among the more high-powered nations in the world the United States remains the leading advocate of death as a punishment for crime, even though innocent people may have been put to death (Isenberg 117). The abolitionists also assert that the deterrent theory does not actually work. It merely produces a brutalizing effect that says to others that killing is o.k. Since the state has the right to kill, having the death penalty reinforces the perpetrator in that it says it is o.k. to kill when not respected by others. Similar to the state killing, when citizens don’t respect the states laws. It is clear that American prosecutors, judges, and juries are not likely to cause the execution of enough capital offenders to increase the claimed deterrent effect of capital punishment laws or to reduce the â€Å"jackpot† effect of unlikely odds (Isenberg 112). To even approach the number of people to be sentenced to death, to reach the deterrent effect, is unimaginable. Hundreds of thousands, in my opinion, would have to be put to death to reach the deterrent goal. Isenberg believes that, â€Å"most Americans, even those who feel it is necessary, are repelled by capital punishment; the attitude is deeply rooted in our own reverence to live, the Christian belief that man is created in the image of God† (107). So those juries that are commanded to use the death penalty have often acquitted, due to beliefs, or charged the perpetrator with a lesser offense (Isenberg 112). Even though hundreds of thousands go to trial for murder, juries are reluctant to convict. So our system clearly does not even give room for the deterrent effect, which would be hundreds of thousands put to death, to affect the way perpetrators would think before killing. States in the United States that do not use the death penalty usually have lower murder rates than states that do (Internet). For example, between 1945 and 1954, the average murder rate among seven abolitionist states ranged from a high of 1.6 per 100,000 (Iowa) to a low of 1.0 per 100,000 (Rhode Island) (Galliher 209). A closer look shows that murder rates play a contributing role in death penalty arguments across the Un ited States (Galliher 209). An example is, between 1945 and 1955, the states of West Virginia (not yet an abolitionist state) and Michigan had relatively higher murder rates of 5.3 and 4.4 per 100,00 comparatively (Galliher 209). Therefore, reinforcing the fact that the brutalization effect is right. Also, reinforcing theorists saying, â€Å"that executing murderers both legitimates killing as a means of dealing with conflict and also stimulates those who have violent tendencies† (Nathanson 28). So if it doesn’t act as a deterrent, then it comes down to the fact that we are willing to put up with the extermination of human beings as long as we don’t know who they are. Maybe since we are in the television revolution, we should televise it more than the little it is today. There are those that are pro-death penalty advocates. They believe that the death penalty serves as a deterrent. They believe others will see that the offender is getting executed for their heinous crime, and this will deter them from ever committing such an act. They feel that not only is the person who is executed unable to commit another murder, but other potential killers may also be dissuaded from killing (Silverman 46). One scientist concluded that every additional execution prevents about seven or eight people from committing murder (Bender 114). It mainly deters rational calm everyday citizens. Not those who act on emotion or the heat of the moment. One could argue that there are far more rational civilized people in this country than there are emotionally disturbed people. The death penalty works because it instills psychological resistance to the act of murder, not because it offers a rational argument against committing the act at the time that the decision to murder is ma de (Bender 115). So every day citizens have instilled into their heads that it is bad to murder someone. But murders still occur on occasions when people are in an irrational state of mind. Even though a person may be rational one day they could become irrational on another day. The irrational people are mainly at the hands of alcohol and drugs, but there are occasions where unusual circumstances exist. For example, a husband catching his wife in the act of adultery could drive him mentally into a rage and into a very irrational state of mind, which could ultimately lead to murder. But there are also those people who are just straight up mentally disturbed that kill for no reason at all. But for the most part most Americans are rational people who are able to properly control themselves, because of proper patience and problem solving learned through schooling. Most Americans have goals to look forward to in life also. So the death penalty is a deterrent for the most part of society. That’s one reason most drugs (poisons) are illegal in American society, because they tend to cause people to act in an irrational manner. Therefore the greater the punishment, the fewer people will behave in the irrational state of mind, because of the fact that the vast majority of Americans are (most of the time) drug free. So the punishment of death deters their rational minds from the act of committing murder, because (I would like to believe) most Americans are rational, free thinking people. Those who oppose the death penalty can only picture the offender being executed, they do not think about how many innocent people would be killed if there wasn’t a death penalty to act as a deterrent (Bender 118). Another reason pro-death penalty advocates give for their belief is that it serves as retribution, or an eye for an eye. These are the two main types of retribution: revenge, in which the victim gets satisfaction, and â€Å"just deserts†, which the offender should have an obligation to repay society (Silverman 44). An eye for an eye relies on what people deserve for their crime, which determines what kind of punishment they will receive (Nathanson 73). Or in other words we should treat people the way they have treated others. If someone murders someone, then they should be murdered. This type of punishment would not have any prejudice, because they would receive whatever they dished out. It tells us that the punishment is to be identical to the crime (Nathanson 73). Which in a way is a repayment towards the victim’s family, or â€Å"just deserts†. This view of the death penalty wouldn’t rely on a jury to decide what should be done to the offender. Let†™s say the offender was black and raped a white woman, and the jury sentenced them to life in prison. People could say in the same circumstances a white man would only get ten years. But using an eye for an eye, both men would be raped in return. No discrimination. And the same goes for the death penalty, there wouldn’t be no prejudice, it would just simply be â€Å"you kill, you die- end of story†, enough said. Nobody can really prove that any of these views are right or wrong. In my opinion, God should have the final say on life. But on the other hand the offender didn’t let God give the victim an O.K. to die. So who knows what to do? As a society we should determine the fate we have dealt ourselves. We have developed these offender’s, we should therefore deal with them as a society. It is true that the varieties of ways in which men have put one another to death is horrific (Isenberg 35). It is society that should determine if we (as a society) want to be murderers. These offenders, murderers, and killers are a mirror image of our own reflection in society. Two wrongs don’t make a right! You choose! Civilization or Brutalism?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consultancy Project Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Consultancy Project - Literature review Example The review seeks to indicate what forms and models of online advertising should be enacted to utilise online marketing communication. The literature review identifies the diverse range of opportunities that a SME can avail by the adoption of online advertising in their business and also the future potential of its implementation. The review discovers that for an effective online advertising, the SMEs should preferably own their individual websites, segment their target audience afresh and use innovative advertising tools. Company websites provide the prospect of presenting information targeted to a range of definite groups of segmented target customers and also to access feedback from them in real time. The review finds that though the utilisation of online advertising tools have benefitted the SMEs by augmenting the promotion of their companies even in the overseas markets at comparatively less expense, a large proportion of the SMEs are yet to employ the online marketing approach. Online advertising is a very new approach for many SMEs although it has been in use since a decade; and it has not been used it to its full potential yet. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1. Introduction 4 2.1 The Role of Online Marketing Communication in the SMEs 5 2.2 How Can SMEs Conduct Good Online Advertising 10 2.3 Future of Online Advertising in SME 14 3 Conclusion 16 References 18 1. Introduction The business organisations all over the world have undergone a remarkable and tremendous change in their functioning processes due to the application of internet. Experts feel that marketing is one of the segments of the business process that is most influenced by the evolution of internet (Krishnamuthy, 2006; Sheth & Arma, 2005; Krishnamurthy & Singh, 2005). Consequently, the promotional mix of most of the organisations today includes an important ingredient known as the online marketing communications (Jensen, 2008). Online Marketing Communication has provided larger possibilities to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and has subsequently augmented their potential. In this literature review, answers to the following questions have been considered: 1) What is the role of online marketing communication in the SMEs? 2) Is it essential for SMEs to do online marketing communication? 3) How do SMEs conduct effective online advertising? Marketing communication is a significant and essential interceding process in a business that connects the offerings of an organisation to its target customers. Marketing communication is the promotional activity of the organisation and includes advertising, promotion, direct marketing, and public relational activities among many others (Kimmel, 2005). According to Lasswell, marketing communication process consists of the source or advertiser, the communication or the advertisement, the channel or medium of communication, the target audience who are the receivers of the communication and finally the response to the process (Koekemoe r & Bird, 2004). The advertisement process is a way of making known or informing the already existing as well as the potential target customers about the products and services the firm wishes to sell or buy and persuade them to respond positively to the products. Advertising can be categorised by four important decisive factors, viz. rationale, target audience, geographical region and medium. Accordingly, it can be brand advertising, corporate image advertising, consumer advertising, national advertising, local advertising, electronic advertising and internet advertising among

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

To what extent does personality predicts employee performance Essay - 3

To what extent does personality predicts employee performance - Essay Example Le et al., (2011) found that there exists the curvilinear associations between personality traits, which include emotional stability, conscientiousness, job performance scopes, including counterproductive work behaviours, organisational citizenship behaviours , task performance and job performance (Le et al. 113). By using this approach, the researchers study some features of personalities of different people, and then compare those people in an attempt to draw some conclusion about general rules about personality. Thus, this method involves assessing some interesting variable in a large group of individuals and then arrive out some general rules about personality. Thus, nomothetic approach can be used to find how heredity or genetic plays a pivotal role in job performance of an employee. However, nomothetic approach has some drawbacks. It is to be noted that extrapolations from group outcomes may not be applicable to an individual, and this may offer shallow understanding. (Ashton xxiii). Psychologist like Erikson (1950) & Rogers (1959), Kelly (1963) gives a different explanation of personality as they visualise it from the interface with the environment and the impact of cultural and social processes. Thus, an individual’s personality is open to change and flexible, and each individual has a unique personality that cannot be grouped or classified into any classification. This nurture approach to personality does not make itself to the measurement of personality, as each individual is considered to be unique. From the company point of view, it is less likely to form part of an evaluation process. Nonetheless, some organisations do use the concept of self-concept as part of their development and management training programmes, and it could form part of the performance management process, especially, if a 360-degree feedback approach is used (Smith , Farmer & Yellowley

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay Firstly I would like to introduce myself as an undergraduate student of the bachelor of engineering program From the M.S.Ramaiah institute of technology, one of the most prestigious institutions of the Bangalore U university . I have completed my course of engineering in the field of Industrial Engineering’, which was for a period of four years. I graduated in the first class with distinction. I was ranked among the top five in the class. During these four years of my undergraduate course, I gained in-depth understanding of the various techniques involved in problem solving, mainly to cater to the services of the industries. Manufacturing Processes, Operations Research, Industrial Management, Quantitative techniques were the other subjects which enabled me to blend the required action whenever an problem was posed to me. Behavioral Science was the most interesting subject which I mastered during this four year peroid.This subject provided me with valuable information which helped me to develop leadership skills .The factor of empathy really coerced me to instigate leadership skills.. Since computers have become inseparable part of INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING I deemed it fit to learn more about computers and I am presently doing my course in C,C++. I have worked on software packages like MS Project,LINDO, LOTUS 123.To meet my B.E. Degree requirement ,I executed a project titled REDUCTION OF LEAD CYCLE FOR MANUFACTURE OF STEAM TURBINES under the expert guidance of N.V.R.Naidu and this project was presented in the O.R. Society of India. The main aim of the project was to reduce the lead cycle of manufacture of a particular class of turbine so as to reduce the inventory costs and enable the industry to forecast accurately for the period ahead. The techniques involved LINE OF BALANCE METHOD for scheduling and Controlling and Post college, I AM presently working in KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC COMPANY WHERE IN I am going through a rigorous training program which will be completed very shortly. The undergraduate course as well as my training at KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC COMPANY has provided me with a strong base for further growth in any of my desired fields. I would like to delve deeper into the fields of my choice and their technical aspects completely. I hope to acquire the requisite professional skills and develop a thorough understanding in these following areas. I wish to contribute towards these areas and indulge in research which ultimately should have a meaningful contribution to science and technology. I AM confident that my academic capability and analytical skills coupled with my perseverance and single minded devotion will see me through to this goal. To this end, the first step is a sound graduate study. I have chosen the graduate program to further my interests. It is my belief that knowledge gained has to be shared. I believe that imparting knowledge is an enjoyable and satisfying experience. I have enjoyed giving ideas, lectures and making presentations on technical/non technical topics at college and at the workplace. Hence, I am eager to obtain An assistantship.Consequently,I understand that the choice of the University is of paramount importance. After perusing your brochures and consulting my professors, I reached the conclusion that the with its reputed faculty, excellent facilities and tradition of academic excellence will be the ideal place to work towards the fulfillment o my goal. Moreover, I am confident that the wholesome education that I will receive at the will stand me in good stead throughout my career. Thanking you,

Friday, November 15, 2019

UN Declaration of Human Rights Essay -- Human Rights Essays

I am not going to argue that we are born with human rights given to us by a higher power. I do not believe this is true as so many people around the world are stripped of their rights almost daily. I do believe that we need to adhere to and respect human rights without discrimination in order to advance as a species which brings me to the declaration of human rights drawn up by the United Nations. As said by Human Rights activist Shulamith Koenig â€Å"Human Rights are the banks of the river within which life can flow in freedom and dignity.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Does the U.N. declaration of human rights hold value in todays society? I believe the UN plays an extremely important role in todays society and therefore does hold value. As the nations of the world increase their interdependence of one another there will be an increasing need for a multinational body to act as peacekeepers, protectors & negotiators WITHOUT becoming world police. The key to the UN’s power is that it is made up of 99% of the worlds governments. The actions and motivations of the UN are firmly based on their Declaration of human rights which is the first document to receive multinational support for laying down the rights believed to be owed to each and every human being. Human Rights is an issue that has gained much public notice over the last 60 years, mainly starting with the end of world war 2. This is because many of the world problems can be largely traced back to human rights abuse...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Public Policing Versus Private Security Essay

When comparing private security to public law enforcement there are both many similarities and differences (COPS, 2012). Private security is paid by a private company or agency, whereas public policing is paid by government salaries and taxpayers (COPS, 2012). Public police officers have the authority to enforce laws and protect and serve society (COPS, 2012). Private security officers are paid to protect private property and personnel (COPS, 2012). Most of the duties that public policing and private security officers perform are similar (COPS, 2012). â€Å"Private security and public law enforcement share many of the same goals: preventing crime and disorder, identifying criminals, and ensuring the security of people and property† (COPS, 2012, P. 1). As there are two private security practitioners for every one sworn law enforcement officer, effective partnerships can act as a much needed force multiplier (COPS, 2012). The services that both officers perform are to achieve si milar goals, to prevent, and deter crimes (COPS, 2012). Public policing and private security officers serve as leaders while performing their duties (COPS, 2012). Public policing and private security officers have a positive impact on the criminal justice system (COPS, 2012). The impact that both of these companies have on the criminal justice system could be beneficial if both would team up, work together, and look toward the future (COPS, 2012). There are also several differences between public policing and private security (COPS, 2012).Even though both public policing and private security perform the same type of work, private security protects organizations and personnel (COPS, 2012). Public policing has the authority to enforce the laws and maintain order in society (COPS, 2012). Private security officers perform duties, where they protect, and deter crimes on private property (COPS, 2012). There are several distinct differences between public policing and private security (COPS, 2012). Public policing performs the following duties: maintains order, protects and serves the community, controls traffic, prevents crimes, and arrests offenders (COPS, 2012). Private security officers perform the following duties: serves as an escort, patrols business grounds and surrounding areas, such as parking lots, security guards, and transports valuables (COPS, 2012). Another difference between public policing and private security is  private security has the main concern of protecting corporate and personnel, although public policing has the main concern of public safety and seeking to enforce the laws of the criminal justice system (COPS, 2012). If a private security guard witnesses a crime outside their grounds or area of protection, it is their choice whether or not to engage in the situation (COPS, 2012). Another difference between public policing and private security is that public policing earns respect from the community, whereas private security does not earn that same r espect because they work for a company or an agency for profit (COPS, 2012). The community will have different views regarding private security because they do it for money (COPS, 2012). Public police officers do get paid but by the government, not a private organization (COPS, 2012). This brings questions about whether or not private security organizations are running their business with the right intentions in mind (COPS, 2012). Before the community will respect them they want to know money is not the main motivation (COPS, 2012). Both private security and public policing have several similarities and their duties overlap in several ways (COPS, 2012). Though still a minority, both of these agencies do employ women along with men (COPS, 2012). Both of these jobs use uniforms to show people who they are, deter crime, and show their authority (COPS, 2012). Both private security and public policing perform duties that uphold the law and keep the community and organizations crime-free (COPS, 2012). The leadership roles of both of the private and public sectors are fairly similar (COPS, 2012). They both have a paramilitary ranking system (COPS, 2012). Within the public policing ranking system there are officers, detectives, and sergeants (COPS, 2012). Each rank reports to the highest position with their rank (COPS, 2012). The officers report to the highest ranking officer within the government agency (COPS, 2012). Within the private sector, the positions are similar to public with a sergeant, corporal, and senior patrol officer (COPS, 2012). The company owner would be the highest rank within the private sector (COPS, 2012). Public policing and private security both play important roles in the criminal justice system (COPS, 2012). Both roles deter crime with their presence (COPS, 2012). Both roles can make an arrest, investigate crimes, and prevent crimes (COPS, 2012). Public policing and private security help keep members of the community safe (COPS, 2012). Another similarity of  public policing and private security is that both sectors need to have training (COPS, 2012). Depending on the duty, private security may not need as much training as public policing but both need training to perform their duties effectively (COPS, 2012). The different roles that public policing and private security play in the criminal justice system are both important (COPS, 2012).Public policing is bound by enforcing the laws and policies (COPS, 2012). Private security focuses more on keeping the company and personnel safe (COPS, 2012).Most private security is not bound by the same regulations that public police have to follow, such as reading an offender their Miranda Rights (COPS, 2012). There are three important elements that make up a comprehensive security plan, which are physical, personnel, and information security (COPS, 2012). The physical aspect of the security plan is building design, fences, locks, lighting, and alarm systems (COPS, 2012). Another aspect of physical security is security personnel (COPS, 2012). The physical aspect of the security plan may be the main focus on protecting and deterring crime (COPS, 2012). The personnel aspect of a security plan is protecting people within a company or organization and this comes from the presence of the security guard (COPS, 2012). Another aspect of personnel security is identification badges (COPS, 2012). Identification badges allow security officers to check the identity and the security clearance of individuals who come into the company (COPS, 2012). The information aspect of a comprehensive security plan has background checks (COPS, 2012). Another aspect of information security would be to put certain papers through a shredder and dispose important documents properly (COPS, 2012). One more aspect of information security would be to encrypt messages and codes (COPS, 2012). Encrypting files would provide security, so that no one would be able to access information (COPS, 2012). Public policing and private security of different similarities and differences; however, both have common goals in mind to protect and serve (COPS, 2012). Both of the goals of these agencies intertwine within each other (COPS, 2012). Both roles are important within the criminal justice system (COPS, 2012). Public policing has to abide by the laws and regulations that affect society that private security do not have to follow, such as reading a suspect their Miranda rights (COPS, 2012). The presence of private security helps provide services to the public police by handling small crimes, such as shoplifting,  security issues, business security, a nd surveillance (COPS, 2012). The service that private security provides frees up public police because in the past police officers had to respond to an abundance of calls (COPS, 2012). Private security does not protect society; their main focus is protecting companies and personnel (COPS, 2012).Public policing and private security need to work together as they head into the future to make society a safer place (COPS, 2012). However, the integrating of the public and private law enforcement needs to be a smooth transition. There are reservations about the integrations because of the main difference that comes to mind about the private sector is money. Regardless of anything, private security agencies are businesses making money. Usually, businesses are run in a manner so that they will make money. Law enforcement is a human services field, not a place to run as a business. Therefore, people will wonder if integration between the two sectors will change the focal point to a money-making business rather than a human services field. When money becomes the focal point of a human services field, things will be run differently and that may not be the best interest at heart for public policing. Privatizing everything would change the priorities, goals, and conditions of the entire justice system. References Private Security and Public Law enforcement. (2012). Retrieved from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Poverty in Africa Essay

Poverty is an unfortunate condition that exists throughout Africa. It is a widespread condition that affects the entire populace, resulting in Africa being the poorest continent. Poverty in Africa is derived from the many existing problems, and continues to cause devastating effects. However, a number of reforms are being implemented to resolve the problem of poverty. There are a number of existing issues in Africa, which leads to the derivation of poverty. Whether there is a civil war or a quarrel among its countries, Africa constantly remains one of the top locations for conflicts (â€Å"Poverty in Africa†). The effects of warfare, including the shifting of the population, the destruction of fields, crops and infrastructures, and the immigration of people from their homelands contribute to the rise of poverty. The destruction of fields and crops weakens the economy, which results in poor agriculture. With poor lands and agriculture, the availability of food and resources are greatly reduced. The infrastructures are crucial to the prospering of a nation. The lack of infrastructure in Africa results to the low availability of potable, clean water. Also, Africa does not have railways and roads that connect in a significant way, hence any transportation to and within Africa is very difficult (â€Å"Poverty in Africa†). Warfare can also result to refugees, which increases the number of people who are living in destitution. A weak government is also a root of poverty, thus an inefficient government will eventually lead the fall of the economy. It is difficult for a corrupt and an unproductive government to obtain the supplies and provide the people with the basic necessities, such as a providing the people with a proper education, building required infrastructures, and providing the people with enough food and water. Without a productive government, the country will not thrive and as a result, more people in the country will live in poverty.

Friday, November 8, 2019

DNA Fingerprinting and Profiling essays

DNA Fingerprinting and Profiling essays DNA Fingerprinting is also referred to as DNA profiling and DNA typing. It was first developed as an identification technique in England in 1985. The original use was to expose the presence of any genetic diseases. About three years later it became used to identify criminals through the analysis of genetic material and to settle paternity disputes. It is still used for those reasons today. The DNA fingerprinting process is called gel electrophoresis. It is a process that can sort pieces of DNA according to its size. The process is done by taking samples of DNA from the crime scene and comparing it with samples from the accused. Samples are taken from biological materials like blood, semen, hair, and saliva. In the testing process, the DNA samples are first entered into the wells in a gel-like substance called Agarose. The gel is placed between two electrodes, one negatively charged and the other positively charged. The wells in the Agarose are inserted on the negative side because DNA has a negative charge. Molecules of DNA then travel in lanes toward the positive side. Small molecules will travel farther than the bigger ones because they have an easier time moving through the gel. So the molecules will then be assorted according to their size. Next, the gel is X-rayed to see the parallel bands (showed by black bars on the film) in each lane. The separated molecules of DNA form a pattern of parallel bands that show the structure of the DNA. The pattern should never change for one person. In a court of law, the results of a DNA fingerprinting examination can be used to convict or acquit an accused person. If the accused's DNA matches the one at the crime scene then that person could be convicted. Critics believe that a DNA fingerprint may not yet be reliable enough to use in the court system. They question how accurate a DNA fingerprint is and the cost of it. They believe that it is not very accurate because only a segment o...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The History of Gillette and Schick Razors

The History of Gillette and Schick Razors Men have been slaves to their facial hair  pretty much since they first walked upright. A couple of inventors have made the process of trimming it or getting rid of it entirely  easier over the years and their razors and shavers are still widely used today. Gillette  Razors Enter the Market Patent No. 775,134 was granted to King C. Gillette for a â€Å"safety razor† on November 15, 1904. Gillette was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin in 1855 and became a traveling salesman to support himself after his family’s home was destroyed in the Chicago Fire of 1871. His work led him to William Painter, the inventor of the disposable Crown Cork bottle cap. Painter told Gillette that a successful invention was one that was purchased over and over again by satisfied customers. Gillette took this advice to heart. After several years of considering and rejecting a number of possible inventions, Gillette suddenly had a brilliant idea while shaving one morning. An entirely new razor flashed in his mind- one with a safe, inexpensive and disposable blade. American men would no longer have to regularly send their razors out for sharpening. They could toss out their old blades and reapply new ones. Gillette’s invention would also fit neatly in the hand, minimizing cuts and nicks. It was a stroke of genius, but it took another six years for Gillette’s idea to come to  fruition. Technical experts told Gillette that it was impossible to produce steel that was hard enough, thin enough and inexpensive enough for the commercial development of a disposable razor blade. That was until MIT graduate William Nickerson agreed to try his hand at it in 1901, and two years later, he had succeeded. Production of the Gillette safety razor and blade began when the Gillette Safety Razor Company started their operations in South Boston. Over time, sales grew steadily. The U.S. government issued Gillette safety razors to the entire armed forces during World War I and over three million razors and 32 million blades were put into military hands. By the end of the war, an entire nation was converted to the Gillette  safety razor. In the 1970s, Gillette began sponsoring international sporting events  such as the Gillette Cricket Cup, the FIFA World Cup, and Formula One racing. Schick  Razors   It was an inventive U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel named Jacob Schick who first conceived of the electric razor that initially bore his name. Colonel Schick patented the first such razor on November 1928 after deciding that a dry shave was the way to go. So the Magazine Repeating Razor Company was born. Schick subsequently sold his interest in the company to American Chain and Cable, which continued to sell the razor until 1945. In 1935, ACC introduced the Schick Injector Razor, an idea in which Schick held the patent.  The Eversharp Company ultimately bought the rights to the razor in 1946. The Magazine Repeating Razor Company would become the Schick Safety Razor Company and use the same razor concept to launch a similar product for women in 1947. Teflon-coated stainless steel blades were later introduced in 1963 for a smoother shave. As part of the arrangement, Eversharp slid its own name onto the product, sometimes in conjunction with the Schick logo.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Its a Job Application Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Its a Job Application Paper - Essay Example Having acquired substantial professional insight through the experience and observation gained in my clinical placements, I have been able to observe that this leads to improved outcomes. My Nursing Bachelor degree has given me an outstanding knowledge of conventional nursing practices, caring values and latest technology. Throughout my clinical placements, I learned a variety of nursing skills in the profession, while developing the capacity to think and learn practically. I have also been able to expand knowledge in an array of practice settings and have been trained in clinical reasoning and problem-solving. As a dedicated nurse, devoted to working in the demanding career, working at there would develop active participation that call for critical thinking, patience and organizational skills that are prerequisites in delivering a perfect job in every healthcare center. Based on the its mission statement â€Å"To be the top provider of primary and specialized tertiary care, accompany by an appropriate array of inpatient, outpatient and outreach services that improve health and meet community needs,† as a graduate nurse, it can be credible to learn and participate in the nursing programs presented at the medical center that will advance and build my nursing skills. The busy medical center would increase proficiency and efficiency in giving my services in diverse experiences within my scholarly career. Some of the services given at medical center of vast importance in my professional development and career includes Ortho and Spine, level 1 trauma care, Neurosciences, Rehabilitation, Cancer Therapy, Urology, Psychiatric services, Gastroenterology, wound and broad stroke centers correspondingly. The supposed weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities gained after would increase the ability to convey my skills in different departments in the nursing career. As an active youth with the interest, I will be of vast importance at the medical

Friday, November 1, 2019

Extensible Markup Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extensible Markup Language - Essay Example change it into computer readable form or it can serialize it. It is designed in such a way so that it is user-friendly and humans can easily read it and understand it. Even application languages can be implemented in XML if the boulders of language, that is the semantic constraints are added to it. 1 An XML document can pass for being one if it has two levels of correctness within it. Firstly, the document should be consistent and following all the syntax rules that XML has in its rules book. When an XML document fulfills all syntax rules, it is called a well formed document. Secondly, the document should also be formed with care in the sense that it fulfills all semantic rules that is the language used is comprehensible and suitable to XML as well as human legible. Such documents are called valid. The company Windows specializes in making operating systems, which are one of the most essential software management programs. When it comes to .NET, it is a software component, that is a small portion of a big software package, which is a part of many Microsoft Windows operating systems. It comes with a hefty library, consisting of pre-set and coded solutions/diagnosis of the programming problems/diseases that are commonly faced by programmers. It does not just provides solutions, rather it also has the responsibility to execute the programs written for its own framework.